[eip545b] part 5


David Douard <david.douard@logilab.fr>
Tue, 27 Feb 2018 23:38:50 +0100 (2018-02-27)
changeset 84
parent 83
child 85

[eip545b] part 5

content/eip545b_5.rst file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/content/eip545b_5.rst	Tue Feb 27 23:38:50 2018 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+ EIP 545B RF Frequency Counter - Part 5
+:author: David Douard
+:Category: Electronics
+:Tags: test equipment, RF, EIP, 545, 545A, 545B, 575A, 578A, counter
+:series: EIP545B Frequency Counter
+:series_index: 5
+Thanks to HighPrecision_, I've been able to get a copy of an old version of the
+EIP documentation *"Additional Service Information for 5XX CW Counters"*. It's
+unfortunately unavailable online, still, it contains a lot of valuable
+.. _HighPrecision: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/profile/?u=116109
+The part dedicated to verifying the Band 3 Microwave Converter (A203) is as
+Functional verification of the microwave converter
+If you are experiencing any problems in band 3 mode of the EIP 53X, 54X or 57X
+counters, the following procedure can be used to determine whether the problem
+is in the microwave convertor or the basic counter.
+This note describes the verification of the convertor into functional blocks,
+these include:
+B. YIG filter and video circuit
+C. 15 dB detected RF amplifier
+D. VCO power amplifier
+E. RF leakage
+If any section of the converter does not conforms to the verification
+procedure, the convertor assembly is defective and should be returned to the
+factory for exchange. If the module performs according to the checkout
+procedure, further troubleshooting is required in the basic counter. Please
+refer to the manual and to other sections in this binder or consult the factory
+for assistance.
+=============== ======== ==============================
+Models Affected CCN      Applicable Microwave Convertor
+=============== ======== ==============================
+535 /B          all      2010241-01/03/05
+538 /B          all      2010241-01/03/05
+545             all      2010137-01
+548             all      2010137-02/03
+545A            2201     2010137-01
+548A            2301     2010137-02/03
+545A /B         2202-... 2010241-01/03/05
+548A /B         2302-... 2010241-02/04/06
+575A            all      2010241-01/03/05
+578A            all      2010241-02/04/06
+=============== ======== ==============================
+The difference between 2010137 and 2010241 convertors is the VCO board
+utilized. The difference makes the converter non-interchangeable.
+The 2010137-03 is the direct replacement of the 2010137-02.
+  :01/02: IF frequency = 125MHz
+  :03/04: IF frequency = 127MHz
+  :05/06: IF frequency = 127MHz /no check of linearity
+          linearity corrected by software (test 90)
+          used in 2 MHz units
+The following tests can be performed to verify the operation of the microwave
+VCO verification
+1. Monitor A108 tp 14 (2020198 or 2020200) with DVM (for 2020138 use tp 4).
+2. Monitor A109J2 with a spectrum analyzer. Set the center frequency to
+   370MHz.
+3. Program the VCO for 370MHz trough the keyboard::
+      press TEST 1 0
+      press 9 8 2 2 1 8 (182218 -- 2 MHz unit)
+      press 9 8 2 0 5 0 (182050 -- 2 MHz unit)
+   *The VCO frequency at A109J2 should be exactly 370 MHz.* Refer to the following
+   table for the appropriate VCO tuning voltage.
+   ======== == ==================
+   A108 P/N TP VCO tuning voltage
+   ======== == ==================
+   2020138   4 > -4.00 VDC
+   2020198  14 > -4.00 VDC
+   2020200  14 + 1.5VDC +/- .25 V
+   ======== == ==================
+4. program the VCO for 500 MHz trough the keyboard::
+     press 9 8 2 2 2 5 (182225 -- 2 MHz unit)
+     press 9 8 2 0 0 0 (182000 -- 2 MHz unit)
+   *The VCO frequency at A109J2 should be exactly 500 MHz.* Refer to the
+   following table for the appropriate VCO tuning voltage.
+   ======== == ==================
+   A108 P/N TP VCO tuning voltage
+   ======== == ==================
+   2020138   4 > +9.5 VDC +/- .5V
+   2020198  14 > +10 VDC +/- .5V
+   2020200  14 + 10 VDC +/- .25 V
+   ======== == ==================
+5. select test 07 from the front panel::
+     press RESET
+     press TEST 0 7
+   *The VCO should sweep from 370 MHz to 500 MHz in 50 kHz steps with no
+   break-up. Any spur should be less than 60 dBc.*
+YIG filter and video circuit verification @ 1GHz.
+In order for this test to work, the counter must placed in the test 10 mode
+and there should not be any signal applied to the Band 3 input prior to
+entering test 10.
+1. Monitor terminal E5 of the convertor with the Y channel of an
+   oscilloscope trough a X1 proble.
+2. Connect the horizontal output of a sweeper to the X input.
+3. No input signal to the counter.
+4. Turn the counter off and back on again. Tune the YIG to 1 GHz trough the
+   keyboard::
+     press TEST 1 0
+     press 9 8 4 2 0 1 (184201 -- 2 MHz unit)
+     press 9 8 4 0 RESET 4 (1840F4 -- 2 MHz unit)
+   Input a -20dBm signal sweeping from 900 MHz to 1.1 GHz into the Band 3
+   input. Adjust the offset pot on A108 to center the bandpass of the YIG
+   filter on the display. Reduce the power to -20dBm. *The detected envelope
+   of the filter should be a minimum of 4mV in amplitude with a DC offset
+   less than +/- 50 mV.*
+   Offset adjustment reference designators
+   =================== ===========
+   2020138             A108 R14
+   2020198             A108 R13
+   2020200             A108 R10
+   2020200 (2MHz unit) use test 10
+   =================== ===========
+   2 MHz unit::
+     press TEST 10
+     a. press 1840XX
+     b. every bit will change the center with 2 MHz
+     c. goto a. till adj. is done
+   :note: data on 1842 most significant ! (value 1 bit = 510 MHz)
+          data on 1840 least significant !
+15 dB detected RF amplifier on/off verification.
+Change the input to 1 GHz, +5dBm. *The detected RF voltage at E5 should be
+greater than +4VDC.*
+Turn the amplifier off from the keyboard::
+  press 9 9 0 1 3 DATA/CLEAR
+        1 9 0 1 3 DATA/CLEAR (2MHz unit)
+*The voltage at E5 should decrease by a factor of 30.*
+VCO power AMP on/off verification.
+1. remove the input signal to the counter.
+2. Turn the A203 power amp on trough the keyboard::
+     press TEST 1 0
+     press 9 8 4 3 3 RESET (1843F -- 2MHz unit)
+   *The voltage at E5 should be greater than 10VDC.*
+3. Turn the power amp off trough the keyboard::
+     press 9 8 4 3 3 7 (184337 -- 2MHz unit)
+   *The voltage at E5 should be 0 VDC +/- 50mVDC.*
+IF amp and IF treshold verification.
+1. Program the YIG and VCO to count 1 GHz::
+     press 9 8 4 2 0 1      ; YIG at 1 GHz
+     press 9 8 4 0 RESET 4  ;
+     press 9 8 4 3 3 RESET  ; power amp on
+     press 9 8 2 2 2 1      ;
+     press 9 8 2 0 8 7      ; VCO at 437.4 MHz
+   Input 1GHz at -28dBm to Band 3 input connector. Connect the spectrum
+   analyzer to the IF output port (J1) of the covertor.
+   *An IF signal should be displayed approximately 30 dB above the noise floor
+   at apprimately 125 MHz.* Adjust the input signal as necessary to peak this
+   signal.
+   Remove the analyzer and connect a power meter to the IF output port (J1)
+   of the convertor trough a 10 dB path. Monitor terminal E2 on the
+   convertor with a scope and *verify the voltage level to be a TTL low*.
+   Decrease the input power until the level toggles ta TTL high. *The input
+   power level should be between -28dBm and -40 dBm. The IF power should be
+   greater than -5 dBm when E2 toggles from TTL low to a TTL high. The IF
+   power should ne greater then -4 dBm when E2 toggles from a TTL high to a
+   TTL low as input power is increased.*
+RF leakage test.
+1. Turn the ocunter off and back on again.
+2. Program the YIG to below 500 MHz through the keyboard::
+     press TEST 1 0
+     press 9 8 4 2 0 0 (184200 -- 2MHz unit)
+     press 9 8 4 0 0 0 (184000 -- 2MHz unit)
+   Input a +7 dBm signal sweeping from 1 GHz to 18 (26.5) GHz. *The maximum
+   measured voltage at E5 should be .5 mV above the offset level noted in
+   paragraph B above from 1 GHz to 10 GHz and 1mV above the offset level
+   from 10 GHz to 18 (26.5) GHz.*
