minor updates


David Douard <david.douard@logilab.fr>
Sat, 05 Mar 2016 22:09:21 +0100 (2016-03-05)
changeset 26
parent 25
child 27

minor updates

content/first.rst file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
content/pages/why.rst file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
pelicanconf.py file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/content/first.rst	Sat Feb 20 23:26:37 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-:Title: Why
-:Date: 2016-02-20
-:Category: About
-When I am not in front of my laptop doing some software related stuff,
-I do sometimes find the energy to do things with my own hands... I've
-enjoyed to hack eletronics since I am 12 or something like that. At 14
-I had a scope in my room. I also started to hack my Amstrad CPC-6128
-back then. Beginning to write code, first in BASIC, then in Z-80
-assembly code.
-I've never made something really serious in electronics, mostly
-repairing stuff, built my own Nelson Pass hifi power amplifier, but I
-finally made my life hacking computers. The discovery of the FOSS
-movement changed me, and is now an essential part of my life.
-More recently, I began to play with more substential
-hardware. Starting with a very small chinese milling machine (a Vario
-BF16) and a cheap inverter welding machine, I began to learn (mostly
-by myself) some elements of machining.
-Then I had the opportunity to acquire and install (thanks to my
-sister offering me a part of a newly acquired grange to welcome a
-couple of more serious machines) a few machinist toys I am, very
-slowly, reconditionning.
-I'd like to try to write kind-of journal of my experiments with my
-"grouwn-up toys", being electronics or machinist related. An maybe
-some other subjects as well, who knows?
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/content/pages/why.rst	Sat Mar 05 22:09:21 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+:Title: Why
+:Date: 2016-02-20
+:Category: About
+When I am not in front of my laptop doing some software related stuff,
+I do sometimes find the energy to do things with my own hands... I've
+enjoyed to hack eletronics since I am 12 or something like that. At 14
+I had a scope in my room. I also started to hack my Amstrad CPC-6128
+back then. Beginning to write code, first in BASIC, then in Z-80
+assembly code.
+I've never made something really serious in electronics, mostly
+repairing stuff, built my own Nelson Pass hifi power amplifier, but I
+finally made my life hacking computers. The discovery of the FOSS
+movement changed me, and is now an essential part of my life.
+More recently, I began to play with more substential
+hardware. Starting with a very small chinese milling machine (a Vario
+BF16) and a cheap inverter welding machine, I began to learn (mostly
+by myself) some elements of machining.
+Then I had the opportunity to acquire and install (thanks to my
+sister offering me a part of a newly acquired grange to welcome a
+couple of more serious machines) a few machinist toys I am, very
+slowly, reconditionning.
+I'd like to try to write kind-of journal of my experiments with my
+"grouwn-up toys", being electronics or machinist related. An maybe
+some other subjects as well, who knows?
--- a/pelicanconf.py	Sat Feb 20 23:26:37 2016 +0100
+++ b/pelicanconf.py	Sat Mar 05 22:09:21 2016 +0100
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 AUTHOR = u'David Douard'
 SITENAME = u'Whatever'
+SITEURL = 'https://whatever.sdfa3.org'
 PATH = 'content'
@@ -13,11 +13,13 @@
 # Feed generation is usually not desired when developing
+FEED_RSS = 'feeds/rss.xml'
+FEED_ALL_RSS = 'feeds/all.rss.xml'
 # Blogroll
 LINKS = (('Pelican', 'http://getpelican.com/'),
