added some forgoten files to Hg


David Douard <>
Mon, 11 Feb 2008 23:36:58 +0100 (2008-02-11)
changeset 44
parent 43
child 45

added some forgoten files to Hg

pygpibtoolkit/HP3562A/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
pygpibtoolkit/HP3562A/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
pygpibtoolkit/qt4/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
pygpibtoolkit/qt4/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pygpibtoolkit/HP3562A/	Mon Feb 11 23:36:58 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+import re
+import numpy
+from itertools import izip, count as icount
+from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
+from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, SIGNAL
+import  state_decoder
+import  trace_decoder
+import  coord_decoder
+from pygpibtoolkit.qt4.mpl import QMplCanvas
+children = [ ]
+def getChild(datablock):
+    """
+    Try to find the appropriate MDI child widget for the given datablock.
+    """
+    for child in children:
+        if child.isValidDatablock(datablock):
+            print "using" , child
+            return child
+    return None
+class DatablockMDIChild(QtGui.QMainWindow):
+    seqnumber = 1
+    _username = "Window"
+    @classmethod
+    def isValidDatablock(cls, datablock):
+        return False
+    def __init__(self, datablock, name=None):
+        QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self)
+        if name is not None:
+            self.username = name
+        else:
+            self.username = self.__class__._username + " " + str(self.seqnumber)
+        self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose)
+        self.isUntitled = True
+        self.dataIsModified = False
+        self.setDatablock(datablock)
+        self.setWindowTitle(self.username)
+        self.setupUI()
+        self.updateHeaderData()
+    def setDatablock(self, datablock):
+        self.datablock = datablock
+    def setupUI(self):
+        # setup headers views as a docked window
+        assert isinstance(self._header_struct, tuple)
+        self.headerDocks = []
+        self.tables = []
+        for i, header_struct in enumerate(self._header_struct):
+            dock = QtGui.QDockWidget("Header" + (i>0 and (' %s'%(i+1)) or ''),
+                                     self)
+            #dock.setFeatures(dock.NoDockWidgetFeatures) 
+            sarea = QtGui.QScrollArea(dock)
+            dock.setWidget(sarea)
+            self.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, dock)
+            self.headerDocks.append(dock)
+            l = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(sarea)
+            l.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0)
+            table = QtGui.QTableWidget(sarea)
+            table.setAlternatingRowColors(True)
+            table.verticalHeader().hide()
+            l.addWidget(table, 1)
+            self.tables.append(table)
+    def setupRowsHeight(self, table):
+        if table.verticalHeader().minimumSectionSize()>0:
+            cellsize = table.verticalHeader().minimumSectionSize()
+        else:
+            cellsize = 17
+        table.verticalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(cellsize)
+    def updateHeaderData(self):
+        for header, table, header_struct in izip(self.header, self.tables, self._header_struct):
+            table.clear()
+            table.setRowCount(len(header_struct))
+            table.setColumnCount(2)
+            table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Parameter', 'Value'])
+            bool_re = re.compile(r'((?P<before>.*) )?(?P<flag>\w+/\w+)( (?P<after>.*))?')
+            item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem()
+            item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled)
+            for i, row in enumerate(header_struct):
+                key = row[0]
+                typ = row[1]
+                if typ is None:
+                    continue
+                val = header.get(key, "N/A")
+                if isinstance(val, basestring):
+                    val = unicode(val)
+                elif typ is bool and isinstance(val, typ):
+                    m = bool_re.match(key)
+                    if m:
+                        d = m.groupdict()
+                        key = ""
+                        if d['before']:
+                            key += d['before']
+                        if d['after']:
+                            key += d['after']
+                        key = key.capitalize()
+                        val = d['flag'].split('/')[not val]
+                    else:
+                        val = str(val)
+                else:            
+                    val = str(val)
+                val = val.strip()
+                if val:
+                    if val[0]+val[-1] in ['""',"''"]:
+                        val = val[1:-1]
+                    if val[0:2]+val[-1] in ['u""',"u''"]:
+                        val = val[2:-1]
+                    while val and val.endswith(chr(0)):
+                        val = val[:-1]
+                item_ = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(item)
+                item_.setText(key)
+                table.setItem(i, 0, item_)
+                item_ = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(item)
+                item_.setText(val)
+                table.setItem(i, 1, item_)
+            table.resizeColumnsToContents()
+            table.resizeRowsToContents()
+            # self.setupRowsHeight(self.table)    
+    def userFriendlyName(self):
+        return self.username
+    def closeEvent(self, event):
+        if self.maybeSave():
+            event.accept()
+        else:
+            event.ignore()
+    def maybeSave(self):
+        if self.dataIsModified:
+            ret = QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self,"MDI"),
+          "'%1' has been modified.\n"\
+                            "Do you want to save your changes?")
+                    .arg(self.userFriendlyCurrentFile()),
+                    QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.Default,
+                    QtGui.QMessageBox.No,
+                    QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel | QtGui.QMessageBox.Escape)
+            if ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
+                return
+            elif ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel:
+                return False
+        return True
+class StateBinaryDatablockMDIChild(DatablockMDIChild):
+    _username = "State"
+    _header_struct = state_decoder.HEADER,
+    @classmethod
+    def isValidDatablock(cls, datablock):
+        try:
+            h = state_decoder.decode_state(datablock)
+            assert len(h)>0
+            return True
+        except Exception, e:
+            return False
+    def setDatablock(self, datablock):
+        DatablockMDIChild.setDatablock(self, datablock)
+        self.header = [state_decoder.decode_state(self.datablock)]
+class TraceBinaryDatablockMDIChild(DatablockMDIChild):
+    _username = "Trace"
+    _header_struct = trace_decoder.HEADER,
+    @classmethod
+    def isValidDatablock(cls, datablock):
+        try:
+            h, t = trace_decoder.decode_trace(datablock)
+            assert len(h)>0
+            assert len(t)
+            return True
+        except Exception, e:
+            return False
+    def __init__(self, datablock, name=None):
+        DatablockMDIChild.__init__(self, datablock, name)
+        self.updateTraceData()
+    def setDatablock(self, datablock):
+        DatablockMDIChild.setDatablock(self, datablock)
+        self.header, self.trace = trace_decoder.decode_trace(self.datablock)
+        self.header = [self.header]
+    def setupToolBar(self):
+        toolbar = QtGui.QToolBar(self)
+        self.addToolBar(toolbar)
+        self.ylogaction = QtGui.QAction("Y Log"), self)
+        self.ylogaction.setCheckable(True)
+        self.connect(self.ylogaction, SIGNAL('toggled(bool)'),
+                     self.updateTraceData)
+        toolbar.addAction(self.ylogaction)
+    def setupUI(self):
+        self.setupToolBar()
+        DatablockMDIChild.setupUI(self)
+        mainw = QtGui.QWidget(self)
+        l = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(mainw)
+        l.setMargin(0)
+        self.canvas = QMplCanvas(self)
+        l.addWidget(self.canvas, 1)
+        self.setCentralWidget(mainw)
+    def updateTraceData(self):
+        #self.canvas.deleteLater()
+        #self.canvas = QMplCanvas()
+        #self.centralWidget().layout().addWidget(self.canvas, 1)
+        f0 = self.header[0]['Start freq value']
+        dx = self.header[0]['Delta X-axis']
+        n = self.header[0]['Number of elements']
+        x = numpy.linspace(f0, f0+dx*n, len(self.trace)) 
+        y = self.trace.copy()
+        if self.ylogaction.isChecked():
+            minv = min(y[y>0])
+            y[y==0] = minv
+            y = numpy.log10(y)
+            y = y*10
+        self.canvas.axes.clear()
+        self.canvas.axes.plot(x, y, 'r')
+        self.canvas.axes.set_xlim(min(x), max(x))
+        self.canvas.axes.set_xlabel("%s (%s)"%(self.header[0]['Domain'],
+                                               self.header[0]['X axis units']))
+        if self.ylogaction.isChecked():
+            self.canvas.axes.set_ylabel('db (%s)'%self.header[0]['Amplitude units'])
+        else:
+            self.canvas.axes.set_ylabel('%s'%self.header[0]['Amplitude units'])
+        self.canvas.axes.grid(True)
+        if self.header[0]['Display function']:
+            self.canvas.axes.set_title(self.header[0]['Display function'])
+        self.canvas.repaint() 
+class CoordBinaryDatablockMDIChild(TraceBinaryDatablockMDIChild):
+    _username = "Coord"
+    _header_struct = coord_decoder.TRACE_HEADER, coord_decoder.HEADER,  
+    @classmethod
+    def isValidDatablock(cls, datablock):
+        try:
+            h1, h2, t = coord_decoder.decode_coord(datablock)
+            assert len(h1)>0
+            assert len(h2)>0
+            assert len(t)>0
+            return True
+        except Exception, e:
+            return False
+    def setupToolBar(self):
+        pass
+    def setDatablock(self, datablock):
+        DatablockMDIChild.setDatablock(self, datablock)
+        h1, h2, self.trace = coord_decoder.decode_coord(self.datablock)
+        self.header = [h2, h1]
+    def updateTraceData(self):
+        f0 = self.header[0]['Start freq value']
+        dx = self.header[0]['Delta X-axis']
+        n = self.header[0]['Number of elements']
+        x = numpy.linspace(f0, f0+dx*n, len(self.trace)) 
+        y = self.trace.copy()
+        y = y.clip(min=self.header[1]['Min value of data'],
+                   max=self.header[1]['Max value of data'],)
+        self.canvas.axes.clear()
+        self.canvas.axes.plot(x, y, 'r')
+        self.canvas.axes.set_xlim(min(x), max(x))
+        self.canvas.axes.set_xlabel("%s (%s)"%(self.header[0]['Domain'],
+                                               self.header[0]['X axis units']))
+        self.canvas.axes.set_ylabel('%s (%s)'%(self.header[1]['Y coordinates'],
+                                               self.header[0]['Amplitude units']))
+        self.canvas.axes.grid(True)
+        if self.header[0]['Display function']:
+            self.canvas.axes.set_title(self.header[0]['Display function'])
+        self.canvas.repaint() 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pygpibtoolkit/HP3562A/	Mon Feb 11 23:36:58 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import glob
+import os
+import time
+import random
+class HP3562dumper:
+    """
+    A mockup thet will find in a directory some HPGL files and feed them randomly
+    """
+    def __init__(self, device="/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=115200, timeout=0.1,
+                 address=5):
+        self._timeout = timeout
+        self.filenames = {}
+        self.filenames['state'] = glob.glob('examples/datablocks/state*.bin')
+        self.filenames['trace'] = glob.glob('examples/datablocks/trace*.bin')
+        self.filenames['coord'] = glob.glob('examples/datablocks/coord*.bin')
+    def dump(self, mode='trace', format="binary"):
+        fn = random.choice(self.filenames[mode])
+        ret = open(fn, 'rb').read()
+        if len(ret)>0:
+            time.sleep(random.randint(1,3))
+            return ret
+        return None
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pygpibtoolkit/qt4/	Mon Feb 11 23:36:58 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# stolen from:
+# --- Simple Qt4 application embedding matplotlib canvases
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Florent Rougon
+#               2006 Darren Dale
+# This file is an example program for matplotlib. It may be used and
+# modified with no restriction; raw copies as well as modified versions
+# may be distributed without limitation.
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+from matplotlib.numerix import arange, sin, pi
+from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+class QMplCanvas(FigureCanvas):
+    """Ultimately, this is a QWidget (as well as a FigureCanvasAgg, etc.)."""
+    def __init__(self, parent=None, width=5, height=4, dpi=100):
+        self.fig = Figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi)
+        self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
+        # We want the axes cleared every time plot() is called
+        self.axes.hold(False)
+        FigureCanvas.__init__(self, self.fig)
+        self.setParent(parent)
+        FigureCanvas.setSizePolicy(self,
+                                   QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding,
+                                   QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
+        FigureCanvas.updateGeometry(self)
+    def sizeHint(self):
+        w, h = self.get_width_height()
+        return QtCore.QSize(w, h)
+    def minimumSizeHint(self):
+        return QtCore.QSize(10, 10)
+    def plot(self, xdata, ydata, color="r"):
+        self.axes.plot(xdata, ydata, color)
