started developer doc


David Douard <>
Tue, 26 Aug 2008 21:12:01 +0200 (2008-08-26)
changeset 74
parent 73
child 75

started developer doc

doc/developer_manual.rst file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/doc/developer_manual.rst	Fri Aug 22 08:59:03 2008 +0200
+++ b/doc/developer_manual.rst	Tue Aug 26 21:12:01 2008 +0200
@@ -29,9 +29,59 @@
   if cnx.check_srq():
       print "A Service Request has been sent"
-Hight level
+But that's basically it. You can send commands to devices, wait for an
+answer, check SRQ line.
+High level
+The high level API is organized around a GPIB controller class
+(``pygpibtoolkit.gpibcontroller.GPIBController``) which is responsible
+for managing every connection stuff. It will run a thread responsible
+for communication processes, will regularly check SRQ line (and
+respond accordingly, with ability to register callbacks), etc.
+It will also provide a ``send_command`` method, but this latter will
+have a much higher means: the operation can be done synchronously or
+asynchronously (with a callback to call upon completion), etc.
+It will also hold device managers for found devices on the GPIB bus.
+Each device manager is a class responsible for communication
+specifically with a specified device. It will provide (if the device
+manager has been written) simple ways to send GPIB commands of the
+device; every GPIB command will be presented as a method of the
+Talking with a device can then be as simple as::
+    from pygpibtoolkit.gpibcontroller import GPIBController
+    c = GPIBController()
+    devices = c.detect_devices()
+    # devices is a dict which keys are the GPIB addresses
+    # and values, the managers for each device
+    hp3562 = devices[3]
+    # ok, let's tell the HP3562 to put channel 1 in AC couplig mode,
+    hp3562.C1AC("AC")
+    # and put it in linear measure mode
+    hp3562.LNRS() #EMEAS("LINEAR RES")
+    # and Freq response mode
+    hp3562.FRQR()
+    # set span freq and center freq
+    hp3562.FRS("10khz")
+    hp3562.CF("7212hz")
+    # then get the resulting trace data block
+    trace = hp3562.DDBN()
+    # which we can easily display
+    header, data = hp3562.decode_trace(trace)
+    import pylab
+    pylab.plot(data)
+    # ok, let's stop gracefully our cession
+    c.stop()
