make 7470 plotter emulator more user friendly & several file renames


David Douard <>
Mon, 10 Dec 2007 21:18:31 +0100 (2007-12-10)
changeset 1
parent 0
child 2

make 7470 plotter emulator more user friendly & several file renames file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/	Mon Dec 10 20:05:39 2007 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import time
-import serial
-MODE = {'binary': 'DDBN',
-        'ascii': 'DDAS',
-        'ansi': 'DDAN',
-        }
-class ConnectionError(Exception):
-    pass
-def read_trace(cnx, mode="binary"): 
-    mode = mode.lower()
-    assert mode in MODE
-    mode = MODE[mode]
-    res = ""
-    cnx.write('%s\r'%mode)
-    i = 0
-    while i<5:
-        l = cnx.readline()
-        if l.strip() == "":
-            i += 1
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-            continue
-        #print "got a new line (%s chars) [i=%s]"%(len(l), i)
-        res += l 
-        i = 0
-    return res
-def open_connection(device="/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=115200, timeout=0.1,
-                    address=0, mode=1):
-    p = serial.Serial(port=device, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=timeout)
-    p.write('++addr %d\r'%address) # set address to 0
-    p.write('++mode %d\r'%mode) # read listen only mode
-    p.write('++mode\r')
-    i = 0
-    for i in range(10):    
-        rmode = p.readline().strip()
-        if rmode != "":
-            break
-        time.sleep(timeout)
-    if rmode == '' or int(rmode) != mode:
-        raise ConnectionError("Can't set GPIB mode to %s"%mode)
-    return p
-import optparse
-opt = optparse.OptionParser()
-opt.add_option('-f', '--filename', default=None,
-               dest='filename',
-               help='Output filename. If not set, write to stdout')
-opt.add_option('-d', '--device', default='/dev/ttyUSB0',
-               dest='device',
-               help='Device of the RS232 connection (default: /dev/ttyUSB0)',
-               )
-opt.add_option('-m', '--mode', default='binary',
-               dest='mode',
-               help='Dumping mode (may be "binary" [default], "ascii" or "ansi")',
-               )
-opt.add_option('-a', '--address', default=0,
-               dest='address',
-               help='GPIB address of the device',
-               )
-options, argv = opt.parse_args(sys.argv)
-cnx = open_connection(device=options.device,
-                      address=int(options.address), mode=1)
-res = read_trace(cnx, mode=options.mode)
-if options.filename:
-    open(options.filename, 'w').write(res)
-    print res
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Dec 10 21:18:31 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import sys
+import time
+MODE = {'binary': 'DDBN',
+        'ascii': 'DDAS',
+        'ansi': 'DDAN',
+        }
+def read_trace(cnx, mode="binary"): 
+    mode = mode.lower()
+    assert mode in MODE
+    mode = MODE[mode]
+    res = ""
+    cnx.write('%s\r'%mode)
+    i = 0
+    while i<5:
+        l = cnx.readline()
+        if l.strip() == "":
+            i += 1
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+            continue
+        #print "got a new line (%s chars) [i=%s]"%(len(l), i)
+        res += l 
+        i = 0
+    return res
+import optparse
+opt = optparse.OptionParser()
+opt.add_option('-f', '--filename', default=None,
+               dest='filename',
+               help='Output filename. If not set, write to stdout')
+opt.add_option('-d', '--device', default='/dev/ttyUSB0',
+               dest='device',
+               help='Device of the RS232 connection (default: /dev/ttyUSB0)',
+               )
+opt.add_option('-m', '--mode', default='binary',
+               dest='mode',
+               help='Dumping mode (may be "binary" [default], "ascii" or "ansi")',
+               )
+opt.add_option('-a', '--address', default=0,
+               dest='address',
+               help='GPIB address of the device',
+               )
+options, argv = opt.parse_args(sys.argv)
+cnx = open_connection(device=options.device,
+                      address=int(options.address), mode=1)
+res = read_trace(cnx, mode=options.mode)
+if options.filename:
+    open(options.filename, 'w').write(res)
+    print res
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Dec 10 21:18:31 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+import sys, os
+import time
+import gpib
+class GPIBplotter(gpib.GPIB):
+    replies={
+        "OE": "0",
+        "OH": "0,0,10000,7500",
+        "OI": "7470A",
+        "OP": "0,0,10000,7500",
+        "OO": "0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0",
+        "OF": "40,40",
+        "OS": "24",
+        }
+    def __init__(self, device="/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=115200, timeout=0.1,
+                 address=0):
+        super(GPIBplotter, self).__init__(device, baudrate, timeout, address, mode=0)
+    def load_plot(self, wait_timeout=0):
+        """
+        Make a full plot process.
+        'wait_timeout' is the first timeout. Same semantic as the
+        'timeout' property of a serial connection (if set to None, it
+        will block until the GPIB device actually perform a plot
+        command.)
+        """
+        res = ""
+        i=0
+        replies = self._replies.copy()
+        if wait_timeout is not None or not isinstance(wait_timeout, int):
+            raise TypeError
+        if wait_timeout<0:
+            raise ValueError
+        self._cnx.timeout = wait_timeout
+        firstloop = True
+        while i<self._retries:
+            l = self._cnx.readline().strip()
+            if firstloop:
+                self._cnx.timeout = self._timeout
+                firstloop = False
+            if l == "":
+                i += 1
+                for k, v in replies.items():
+                    if res.endswith(k) or res.endswith(k+';'):
+                        self._cnx.write("%s"%v)
+                        if k == "OS":
+                            replies[k] = "16"
+                        break
+                self._cnx.write('\r')
+                if i > self._retries/2:
+                    time.sleep(self._timeout)
+                continue
+            res += l + "\n"
+            i = 0
+        return res
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import optparse
+    opt = optparse.OptionParser('A simple HP7470A GPIB plotter emulator for USB-GPIB bundle (ProLogix)')
+    opt.add_option('-f', '--filename', default=None,
+                   dest='filename',
+                   help='Output filename. If not set, write to stdout')
+    opt.add_option('-d', '--device', default='/dev/ttyUSB0',
+                   dest='device',
+                   help='Device of the RS232 connection (default: /dev/ttyUSB0)',
+                   )
+    opt.add_option('-a', '--address', default=0,
+                   dest='address',
+                   help='GPIB address of the device',
+                   )
+    opt.add_option('-l', '--loop', default=False,
+                   action="store_true",
+                   dest="loop",
+                   help="Continuously wait for new plots. If set, filename must be set and files will be created with _n at the end")
+    opt.add_option('-v', '--verbose', default=False,
+                   action="store_true",
+                   dest="verbose",
+                   help="Verbose mode",)
+    options, argv = opt.parse_args(sys.argv)
+    if options.loop and not options.filename:
+        opt.error('If loop is set, you *must* provide a filename')
+    if options.filename:        
+        outf = open(options.filename, "w")
+    else:
+        outf = sys.stdout
+    try:
+        plotter = GPIBplotter(device=options.device, address=options.address)
+    except (gpib.SerialException, gpib.ConnectionError), e:
+        sys.stderr.write('Connection error:\n\t' + '\n\t'.join([str(x) for x in e.args]) + '\n')
+        sys.stderr.write('Check your parameters\n')
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if options.verbose:
+        sys.stderr.write('connection established\n')
+    loop = True
+    nloop = 0
+    while loop:
+        plot = plotter.load_plot(wait_timeout=1)
+        if options.verbose:
+            sys.stderr.write('.')
+        if plot:
+            outf.write(plot)
+            if options.verbose:
+                sys.stderr.write('\n')
+            sys.stderr.write('Received a new plot (written to %s)\n' 
+            if not options.loop:
+                loop = False
+            else:
+                nloop += 1
+                fname, ext = os.path.splitext(options.filename)
+                outf = open(fname + "_%d"%nloop + ext, 'w')
--- a/	Mon Dec 10 20:05:39 2007 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import time
-import serial
-p = serial.Serial(port="/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=115200, timeout=0.1)
-p.write('++addr 5\r') # set address to 0
-p.write('++mode 0\r') # read listen only mode
-for i in range(10):    
-    mode = p.readline().strip()
-    if mode != "":
-        break
-    time.sleep(0.1)
-print "mode = ", mode
-if mode == '':
-    print "strange"
-    sys.exit()
-res = ""
-    "OE": "0",
-    "OH": "0,0,10000,7500",
-    "OI": "7470A",
-    "OP": "0,0,10000,7500",
-    "OO": "0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0",
-    "OF": "40,40",
-    "OS": "24",
-    }
-while i<15:
-    l = p.readline().strip()
-    if l == "":
-        i += 1
-        for k, v in replies.items():
-            if res.endswith(k) or res.endswith(k+';'):
-                print "got commend", k
-                p.write("%s"%v)
-                if k == "OS":
-                    replies[k] = "16"
-                break
-        p.write('\r')
-        time.sleep(0.1)
-        continue
-    print "got a new line (%s chars) [i=%s]"%(len(l), i)
-    res += l + "\n"
-    i = 0
-print "over"
-print "res = ", res
-open('out.gpib', 'w').write(res)
