refactoring in progress

small improvement; display first plot at startup

constant adjustments for string plots

some improvements; can now give a bunch of files to open on cmd line; removed print statements

Refactored the preference system for the qt gpib plotter app. One can now set the colors for plotting pens.

moved some files & one bugfix

added some hpgl example plots

refactoring: created a 'plotter' subdirectory and put everything related to GPIB/HPGL plotting under it

added generated rc files (from hpgl_plotter.qrc)

removed useless png files (using SVG everywhere)

oops, forgot icon files

added a start scrip & cleanups

added a gpib plot receiver mockup for testing purpose. Seems to work.

add a 'receiving a plot' led

add main menu shotcuts and make first openened file displayed

add some example hpgl files

make qplotter a working app: can new load several hpgl files à display them; have a preference system

Begin of a HPGL plotter application (PyQt4)

Add HPGL plotter backend for Qt4

improved hpgl parser : plot strings


added a (very) beginning HPGL parser (with a simplist matplotlib backend)

docstrings added

Several improvements (code refactoring) + add stuff to decode binary coordinate data block ("DCBN" command)

make header_formatter a little bit smarter (interpret bool values when it can)

several improvements; add an internal state reader

some forgotten added files

some code refactoring and several improvements in gpib_plotter (should be more robust & quicker)

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