rename fp environment as fp_dfu and add a fp_stlink draft

SSD1322: add power off/on methods draft

hp34comm: add support for boot keycode draft

kill tabs (again) in src/main.cpp draft

Extracted the display related functions in a Display class draft

Add support for the shift flag draft

Indent src/main.cpp with 2-ws draft

Add a key mapping table (protocol value vs. raw keycode) and send it draft

Reformat Keypad.cpp draft

Update the main code: extract headers and use a CircularBuffer for key events draft

Add a few patterns in hgignore draft

Update the custom target HP34970_FP_303RD draft

Set custom_config for the F303RD draft

compile for nucleo f446re & f303re with mbed 6 draft

add QEI draft

Several stuff draft

Add .pio to hgignore draft

Add the (missing?) Keypad lib draft

Add the serialdata tool draft

more stuff draft

wip draft

add hgignore draft

Stuff... draft

[full replacement] implement a state machine for Rx draft

almost working... before killing the 87C51... draft

[hp34comm] fix key stroke reception code draft

use A10 and D10 instead of D7 and D8 as dbg pins draft

define HAVE_PC to have a serial (debug) console draft

make USB (debug) serial console depend only on HAVE_PC compile variable draft

typo draft

(0) -30 +30 tip
